As part of our video forecast series for 2023, I had each of our experts answer the following question:

“If you only had $5,000 to invest for the new year, where would you put it?”

I thought that the answers shared were so invaluable that I wanted to spin them off into their own video reports.

Today, I’m going to share Senior Analyst Mike Burnick’s answers, as he had two stocks he would invest in if he only had $5,000.

The first company is an airline reservation system that Mike says all the big airlines use to help customers book flights. Airline travel demand levels this year are expected to be at nearly 86% of 2019 levels, and the industry is expected to make a small net profit in 2023.

As this company helps fuel an increase in travel demand, Mike predicts that its stock price could easily double or triple over the next year or so.

The second company Mike shared is a Manhattan-based entertainment giant. Through its two main audio-entertainment brands, it pretty much hits all the programming high points: music, sports, talk, news, podcasts, and even “old-time radio” (OTR).

Mike expects the stock price for this company to “probably double in the year ahead.”

— Keith Kaplan

Source: TradeSmith