9 Best Stocks to Own Right Now

After sifting through the recommendations of dozens of the nation’s leading investment advisors, we’ve hand-selected the stocks that appear best-positioned to beat the market over the long haul…

Stock #1: Warren Buffett Now Has ~$100 BILLION Invested in This One Stock

This company is so confident in itself that it’s spending billions of dollars to buy back its own shares. And it’s growing its dividend by double-digits. In fact, within reason, the company could probably grow its dividend as fast as it wants to.

The combination of a relatively low payout ratio, an extraordinarily strong balance sheet, and end markets that should continue to grow can fuel dividend growth for many years to come. No wonder Warren Buffett’s holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, has roughly $100 BILLION invested in it.

Stock #2: Poised to Reward Shareholders for Decades to Come

Stock #3: One of the Safest Dividends in the World

Stock #4: Paid Dividends Through Wars, Recessions and Bear Markets

Stock #5: One of the Greatest Dividend Stocks of All Time

Stock #6: This Stock is Growing Its Dividend Like Crazy

Stock #7: Inflation Worries? This Stock’s Your #1 Defense AND Offense

Stock #8: “Sleep Well At Night” Stock To Hold Through Any Market

Stock #9: The PERFECT Stock for Safety, Growth AND Income

BONUS STOCK: One of the Best Dividend Growth Stocks Right Now

BONUS ACCESS: Exclusive behind the scenes look at Warren Buffett’s stock portfolio, including his most recent buys and sells.

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