State of the Market videoSome of you may be familiar with Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld’s unique side hustle as a boxing ring announcer.

But you may be surprised to know just how much it relates to investing.

Early in his career, he paid his dues, doing lots of small shows and handing the mic to the “big names” when the cameras turned on. But he worked hard, and now someone else hands him the mic as he gets set to appear on national television.

Similarly, when he started out investing, he could afford to buy only a small number of stocks. But as time went on, his investments – like his announcing career – grew and compounded.

In this week’s State of the Market, Marc lays out more of these parallels and doles out some wisdom on how to build the life you want… from the ground up.

He did it, and you can too.

— Rebecca Barshop

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Source: Wealthy Retirement